It seems Spring has finally arrived for us here in Pittsburgh, and with that we have been going for lots of strolls around the block and trips to the park. Judah is closing out his 3rd week at home, and as of today he is 7 months old!
Things have been going really well for all three of us since we were able to bring Judah home. We’ve been able to build our routine and get Judah into a steady schedule. His days are just as filled here at home as they were at the Hospital and at The Children’s Home, filled with playtime, tummy-time, book reading, outside time, baths, song and dance time with mommy, and sleep. All of this in addition to multiple doctors appointments every week for follow up.
So far all of his doctors appointments have been going very well too. His cardiologist feels that he has been doing great since his surgery, and she has adjusted Judah’s medications a bit accordingly. He has even been doing daily trials for multiple hours at a time on the lowest settings on his ventilator and doing very well with it – one step closer to trying short sprints off of the vent completely! Judah has put on a good bit of weight since getting home, he is now over 16lbs, and seems to be growing in length as well, measuring over 24″. We haven’t taken a recent measurement of his cheeks, but they are as big and pinch-able as ever.
Judah has become a big fan of bath-time lately, and really enjoys going outside, though the bumping of the stroller seems to lull him into a wonderful sleep. He is as happy and playful as ever, and he thanks all of you for continuing to check in on, support, pray for, and love him as much as we do.
All our love
We love you Judah, we wish you a lot of fun at home!
This is such heart-warming news!!!!! SO happy for *all three* of you– all the happiness and joy beams through this posting ;-). Especially amazing to hear about Judah growing abilities with the lower ventilator settings!!! LOVE those cheeks ;-).
Lots of love and hugs to all ;-),
Aww, look at those cheeks of Judah’s! I’d love to get hold of him and just kiss him senseless!! I know I probably can’t get that close to him…but I can dream, can’t I?
All your news of him sounds wonderful…especially the new on his vent! Won’t it be wonderful when you can take him off it for a bit of time??
He is just at the right age to really love bath time. Hope he has some rubber duckys to play with! I used to love bath time with my kids. We had a house with a big, walk-in tub back they, and I used to get it with them and we’d have swimming lessons! Well, not really swimming lessons, but I’d hold them and we’d pretend! It was such fun!! Now they are all grown up and have children of their own, but don’t worry Gwanma has tubby time too when they come over!
I love Judah’s sun glasses. He looks like a little Hollywood star! I am sure he acts better than most of them do though. I see that Judah likes to take his stroller rides with his dog….that’s a good thing!
Take care of your precious little man, and wish him a very Happy 7 month Birthday from me! Hope you get another update soon!!
Trish Freeman
When people see pics of Judah, my favorite question is “Are his cheeks real?” So amazed by JNJ. Happy 7 month birthday!
It is great to read this good news! Thanks for sharing it!
Happy 7 month birthday!
Love Gita and Sasha
Good job everyone! Sounds like precious quality time together! You deserve it. Judah is on the right path and the roads he travels will be continue to filled with love and happiness. Yaaaaay!!!!
Such a wonderful time of year to get out and enjoy the nice weather. Iowa has been rainy and cold this past week and looks like forecast same for this week. We need the rain and everything looks so green. Warms up will have to do first mowing of the year!! So happy Judah is doing so great. Gods Blessings to all of you.