11/21/18 – Home again and giving Thanks

It is absolutely amazing to think that just 5 days after his 3rd open heart surgery, Judah has returned home, and he is in great spirits. After several more check ins this morning from the cardiology and surgical teams, and the first peek under and changing of his chest incision dressing/bandages, the doctors felt confident in sending Judah home. We never could have imagined a turnaround from surgery to discharge being this fast, but Judah again and again proves to be brave, strong, and a real fighter. The next few weeks will still be filled with limited exertion, very limited activity, and extremely limited outside world exposure due to him being a major infection risk, but we’re willing to take it slow and give him all the time he needs to fully heal. Thank you all again, and we are eternally grateful for the thoughts, prayers, love, and even gifts and cards from so many of you. Updates will be a bit less frequent now that we are home, but we will continue to post and keep everyone updated as our road to recovery, and eventually regular life, keeps on trucking along.

All our love

16 thoughts on “11/21/18 – Home again and giving Thanks

  1. So happy to hear a good new! It’s all love for you for Thanksgiving! Hopefully Judah will recover in no time and go back to be Judah again, and go back to school and learn much more to impress all of us. We love you guys and have a very enjoyable holidays. Please let us know, when we can come and visit you. Love Raya and Ed.

  2. Thank you so much for sharing the updates. It truly is amazing to hear how well he is doing. He must be a very special little boy!

  3. Such a great news! Your son and your family is so incredible, and deserve only the very best! Have a very healthy and happy Thanksgiving!

    Alla and Boris Goldberg.

  4. That is really wonderful news! Sending continued healing thoughts your way. Best wishes for a very happy Thanksgiving.

  5. Terrific news, well deserved news. It goes without saying that Judah, his mom and dad are an incredible family. We all should give thanks for this miracle.
    Happy Thanksgiving and many, many, more to celebrate.
    We love you all.

  6. Judah you never cease to amaze me! I’m so happy you are home and doing so well! ❤️❤️ Happy Thanksgiving!

  7. Wonderful news. Have a quiet holiday. Jess and Nate get some well deserved rest. A day to be Thankful. Gods Blessings. Love you all!

  8. So much to be grateful for this Thanksgiving and always. We are very happy for all of you. May we always hear only good news from each other. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.

  9. Home so soon?!?! Judah, you are a warrior! Praising God for the amazing team at CHP and for watching over you, sweet boy. Prayers will continue for all of you! 💕

  10. We’re very happy to hear the great news! We wish dear Judah a rapid and complete recovery. Best wishes to you all, and much love! Hugs!!!

  11. This is a wonderful news and true Thanksgiving miracle! We are so happy you are back home and wish Judah an easy final recovery! He is the best, and his back support home crew is unmatched! Well done guys

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